Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why is sugar bad for us?

Oh, I know we love it and it makes us feel like life is more fun, but sugar is one of the nastiest things we can have in our diets.  It is not only massively addictive, but it is also very damaging; a bad combination.  It is not only refined sugar which we pour into tea and coffee, but the sugars in all sweet foods and also the hidden in sugars in lots of savoury foods.  

Sugar is probably the biggest offender in obesity and is often ignored as a weight gain danger whilst fat gets all the bad press.  A diet low in fat and high in sugar is a dangerous mistake to make and is often ignored in weight loss diets.

Sugar can cause:

Insulin Resistance
Premature aging
Energy Slumps
Cellular Toxicity
Weight Gain
Chronic pains and worsened arthritis

And this is only scraping the surface of the problem as sugar erodes all the body's systems and lowers immunity significantly.  As little as half an hour after eating sugar the immune system suffers greatly, leaving the body at risk of all sorts of problems.

Sugar that is not used as energy is stored as fat as any excess glucose in the bloodstream is converted into triglyceride fats and stored on the liver.  A fatigued liver is a massive problem which can lead to all sorts of other diseases and imbalances.  Sugar is often to blame.  Sugar, even that found naturally in fruits, should be monitored to keep blood sugar even and steady.  

Here are my five top tips to keep your sugar levels stable:

1. Never add sugar to your drinks or foods.

2.  Choose complex carbohydrates like brown rice and whole grains.

3. White bread, pastry, white rice etc. all raise your glucose massively.

4. Honey and fruit are the healthy options, but they still spike blood sugar so moderate them, especially fruit juices which give you a big sugar hit (dilute them with water).

5. Eat protein with each meal and snack on protein/fat rich snacks such as nuts, avocado and humous.  These will keep you going longer and avoid energy slumps which make you crave sugar.

Remember, a little of what you like is good, but a sugar addiction is a very dangerous habit so try these tips to kick it! 

Good luck.


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