Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How much water should I drink?

Water is actually one of the most important nutrients we have in our diet.  We would shrivel and die rather quickly without sufficient water.  Most of us are drinking enough that we are not going to perish, but what we don't realise is how much better we could feel if we drank much more of it.

Water lubricates our joints and muscles, it transports nutrients around the body, it keeps every cell of our body functioning.  Our body is about 65% water and our brain is close to 85% water.  It makes sense that we should keep topping up so that our bodies function at their optimal levels.

Our excretory organs all need water to transport toxins and by-products out of the body, so without water we become toxic and sluggish.  Our bowels become constipated, our skin becomes tired looking, our kidneys become congested and our lungs are unable to breathe out sufficient toxic wastes.  Without water we don't stand a chance.

To make sure you are drinking enough check your urine throughout the day.  I know it sounds gross, but it is the best way of knowing.  We all have different water requirements and live in different climates with different activity levels so eight glasses a day is far too vague.  You want your urine to be pale in colour and almost completely clear twice a day.  Don't forget food is full of water too, especially if you are eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Get Hydrated!!

Josie Was this useful?  Like My facebook page... :)

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